Our centres are now closed

We are adapting our service delivery so we can continue to support people and organisations through this difficult time.

We are a local, innovative and experienced mental health provider for people aged 16 years and over.  We support positive mental health working across three themes: prevention, social support and recovery. We understand everyone’s needs are different and we work in a person centred way to ensure the people of Hertfordshire’s mental health is supported and respected so that nobody has to face a mental health problem alone.

Covid-19 Response -  we have been exceptionally busy adapting, developing and designing services to meet the needs of people both with mental health issues but also to prevent mental health problems occurring.  Please see our website with all the details: www.mindinmidherts.org.uk

Opening Times

Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm (Tuesday evenings till 8pm)

01438 369216


Updated 18 March 2024

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